Dimac Grease Pro
Dimac Grease Pro is a power chuck grease. Power chucks are a critical element of your CNC turning centre and
require the appropriate amount of attention and maintenance to
ensure secure work holding and a long, accurate life. It is essential that
your power chucks are regularly greased with most manufacturers
recommending a dose of the correct grease at least daily.
Grease Pro from Kitagawa has been specifically formulated for use in modern
power chucks and is now available in a variety of packaging including
the popular 450g Cartridge. Regular greasing can boost work holding
performance by up to 50%.

Super Moly Tac Grease
Hi-Tec SUPER MOLYTAC is a superior multi-purpose molybdenum disulphide containing grease possessing excellent lubrication characteristics suitable for use in a wide range of antifriction and plain bearings, ball joints, CV joints, kingpins, and gears and couplings in automotive, marine, agricultural and industrial application.
The “Moly” (carrying with it extreme pressure and anti-wear properties) and the tackiness additives together enable high performance Hi-Tec SUPER MOLYTAC to give extended service life under high loading and shock loading conditions from low temperature to very high temperature environments. The special characteristic of shear stability, combined with the inclusion of effective rust, oxidation and corrosion inhibitors, ensure Hi-Tec SUPER MOLYTAC is the preferred recommendation for extended life anti-friction bearings.